We managed to track down why the class Dispatcher was failing to load.

What we found was that the Inflector::underscore() function called
from the bootstrap.php App::import('Core', array('Dispatcher')); was
converting 'Dispatcher' to _dispatcher.

The Inflector underscore function looks like the following :-

function underscore($camelCasedWord) {
  return strtolower(preg_replace('/(?<=\\w)([A-Z])/', '_\\1', $camelCasedWord));

We have implemented a work around for this installation, I'm not an
expert on preg_replace() but maybe a dev or someone else can see how
this function can produce _dispatcher ?

In terms of server setup its running debian4, apache2 and a custom
compiled version of php 5.2.0.

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Brett Wilton <bdwil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Any warning/notices before fatal error?
> No nothing at all, this is a fresh install.  All I can think of at
> this point is that App::import() is failing in the bootstrap to import
> the Dispatcher for some reason and then the app/webroot/index.php file
> is trying to create the Dispatcher and failing.

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