On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 12:06 PM, Sunchaser <mik342...@yahoo.it> wrote:
> Is there an easy way to integrate Paypal in a CakePHP website, maybe
> using the PHP Paypal Kit?
> I have been on the bakery and i found the Mariano Component, but it
> seems rather complicated, i Just need to put some BUY NOW buttons.

If you just want something to create your buttons you'll need a
helper. I don't know that I've seen one, but I suppose a helper could
be useful. I've just been using the raw HTML in an element. My buttons
are all for a single Model, except the price varies (membership type).
If you had a catalogue of products, a helper might be a good idea.

If you wantto do IPN, there's an InstantPaymentNotificationsController
at the Bakery. I'm using a modified version of that and it seems to be
working fine. The next thing I want to do is make it a Component so
reusing it is simpler.

I don't know if anything exists to do PDT so I've just rolled my own
method into one of my controllers. If you're interested, let me know
and I'll post it. It's pretty much based on the IPN routine.

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