Well, that's exactly what I have. However, how to populate that
property from database automatically during model creation without
overloading __construct() is what the question is.

P.S. I actually figured out that the reason for exceptions was missing
parameters in constructor, so now it works, but still interested to
see if there's an alternative solution.

On Mar 16, 1:50 pm, Alfredo Quiroga-Villamil <laww...@gmail.com>
> I haven't tried this; but try it and see what happens.
> 1- Create app/models/app_model.php
> 2- In there you can have
>  classAppModelextends Model {
>         protected $sYourPropery = 'property';
>  } // End ofAppModel{}
> All models that extendAppModelshould now have access to
> $sYourProperty. In one of your models for example try the following:
> public function testing() {
>    return $this->sYourProperty;
> } // End of testing()
> and call it from the controller.
> Hope that helps.
> Regards,
> Alfredo
> $this->Model->
> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 2:01 PM, yaman666 <yaman...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Most of my models have an additional property that I was trying to
> > preload by overloadingAppModelconstructor.
> > classAppModelextends Model
> >        public function __construct() {
> >                parent::__construct();
> >                // Load custom property from database and unserialize
> > value
> >        }
> >        public function beforeSave() {
> >                // Serialize and save custom property to database
> >        }
> > }
> > That broke cakephp when using hasAndBelongsToMany. I filed a bug
> > report (https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6194) but was told that I
> > shouldn't be overloadingAppModel.
> > Can anyone suggest another simple way to accomplish what I want
> > without having to write each time $model->initialize(); to preload the
> > custom property for all the models?
> > Thanks!
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