Thank you for your suggestion :)

I will take care of this.

Actually I am using that code for country and state selectbox in
Employee registration form

Now I have modify that code to

var $belongsTo = array('UserCountrie','UserState');

and in State model I have added

var $BelongsTo = array('UserCountrie');
var $hasMany = array('UserEmp');

and in Country model I have added

var $hasMany = array('UserState','UserEmp');

So that I will use Ajax for state selectbox fill up while selecting


On Mar 16, 10:54 am, Martin Westin <> wrote:
> Don't use empty strings for conditions. Use empty arrays. This might
> possibly cause your problem since it will find all records for you. At
> least it used to in the pre-release versions of 1.2.
> Also about recursive: recursive 0 loads belongsTo data. Setting
> recursive -1 will load only the primary model. But if you have enough
> data to run out of memory you should probably get comfortable with
> containable since it offer more control.
> /Martin
> On Mar 16, 5:03 am, Manisha P <> wrote:
> > I have added
> > var $belongsTo = array('UserState' =>
> >                                 array('className' => 'UserState',
> >                                                  'foreignKey'=>false,
> >                                                 'conditions' => '',
> >                                                 'fields' => '',
> >                                                 'order' => '',
> >                                                 'counterCache' => ''
> >                                 ),
> >                                 'UserCountrie' =>
> >                                 array('className' => 'UserCountrie',
> >                                                  'foreignKey'=>false,
> >                                                 'conditions' => '',
> >                                                 'fields' => '',
> >                                                 'order' => '',
> >                                                 'counterCache' => ''
> >                                 )
> >            );
> > this code in my model, Is there anything wrong?
> > On Mar 14, 1:21 pm, brian <> wrote:
> > > On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 6:58 AM, Manisha P <> wrote:
> > > > Hello All,
> > > > I have added $belongsTo in model, and getting Fatal error: Allowed
> > > > memory size of 25165824 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4 bytes)
> > > > while running. sad.gif
> > > > Does anyone has some idea about this?
> > > You probably have too many recursive associations. Adjust the
> > > 'recursive' param in your find() or investigate your models. Your
> > > associations may be incorrect.
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