The counterCache field is updated with each insert or delete (maybe
more often), so if your boxes are changing allt he time, it will not
be a problem.

If it isn't the case, you can fetch all the boxes and their count and
take only the count<81 using a foreach loop.

On Mar 17, 5:17 pm, Tony Thomas <> wrote:
> I have a simple hasMany relationship set up with CakePHP and I want to
> retrieve a couple of fields from the parent table based on the count
> of the child.
> The scenario: I have boxes that hold 81 aliquots each. (Each box is
> 9X9.) I want to retrieve the id and description from the boxes table
> of boxes that have fewer than 81 aliquots to generate a list. In other
> words, I want a list of boxes that are not full.
> My models:
> class Box extends AppModel {
>     var $name = 'Box';
>     var $hasMany = array('Aliquot');
>     var $belongsTo = 'Freezer';
> }
> class Aliquot extends AppModel
> {
>     var $name = 'Aliquot';
>     var $belongsTo = array('Box','Specimen');
> }
> I can't seem to work out the best way to get a count of the aliquots
> for each box. I haven't been working with CakePHP all that long, so
> I'm hoping there's a relatively simple way to do this that I'm
> missing. It doesn't seem like a very complicated thing to do, yet I've
> spent the better part of my morning working on it with not success.
> This seems like it would work:
> Except that my tables are already populated, so creating the
> aliquot_count field in my boxes table just leaves me with a bunch of
> empty fields. Does anyone have some advice that will point me in the
> right direction?
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