Sorry, for my English. There are 2 options which I've tried to get
session_id() .

1. create write/read session

function beforeFilter () {
         $this->Session->('sessID',session_id());      //write
         debug($this->Session->read('sessID'));       //read

2. call from cake/libs/session.php

function beforeFilter () {

### Important! ###
More over you have to change security level from high to low or
medium in app/config/core.php
    Configure::write('Security.level', 'high');
     Configure::write('Security.level', 'medium');

The reason is it, if still use security level to high, CakePHP session
IDs will regenerated session_id() every time.


On Mar 20, 5:24 am, asoft <> wrote:
> Does any one know how to get the unique session id that is created.
> It's like in CakePHP the closest thing to the session_id() is the
> useragent.
> I want to make an ecommce site where users don't create an account to
> shop.
> Can i get any help.
> Thanks

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