One more problem, when it is going live, the Allow from would be a
domain like "" and not a IP address, any solutions
for that?


On 24 Mrz., 01:22, Graham Weldon <> wrote:
> class AppController extends Controller {
>     var $allowedHosts = array('', '::1', '');
>     var $accessDeniedRedirect = ... // Define your action to redirect to
> here.
>     function beforeFilter() {
>         if (!in_array(env('REMOTE_ADDR'), $this->allowedHosts)) {
>             $this->redirect($this->accessDeniedRedirect);
>             die();
>         }
>     }
> }
> That would cover it.
> The only thing I have not considered is that you need to allow anyone
> access to the $accessDeniedRedirect address.
> So you will need a check in or around your if statement in the
> beforeFilter there to ensure unrestricted access to whatever you set
> $accessDeniedRedirect is set to.
> But I will leave that for you to sort out. Can't give you all the
> solutions. That would be boring!
> Cheers,
> Graham
> Aurelius wrote:
> > Hi!
> > I Would like to limit the access to a controller function in the same
> > way as .htaccess would do it with these lines:
> > Order deny,allow
> > Deny from all
> > Allow from
> > How can I achieve that?
> > thx
> > Aurelius
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