Thanks Reggie, but the problem is that I have to use CakePHP v1.1.x,
so I need a way to do that query in CakePHP or I need to do the query
but it should return only the affected rows or a resource type which I
can use it to know the affected rows, I don't want that the query
return the data.

Thanks in advance,


On 1 abr, 18:12, Reggie Mason <> wrote:
> I don't know for CakePHP v1.1.x.  However, if you use CakePHP v1.2.2 -
> -- Here is the User Model
> <?php
> class User extends AppModel {
>     public $name='User';
>     public $hasOne=array('Page'=>array(
>                              'foreignKey'=>false,
>                              'type'=>'INNER',
>                              'conditions'=>array(''),
>                              )
>                          );
> };
> -- And in the controller
> <?php
>   /
> *----------------------------------------------------------------------
>    * file: example_controller.php
>    */
> class ExampleController extends AppController{
>     public $name='Example';
>     public $uses=array();
>     public function index(){
>         $this->User=ClassRegistry::init('User');
>         $this->paginate=array('User'=>array('conditions'=> array (
>                                     'Page.status'=>1,
>                                     'User.username'=>'tehtreag',
>                                     ),
>                                 'order'=>'User.username',
>                                 'fields'=>array(
>                                     '',
>                                     'User.username',
>                                     '',
>                                     ),
>                                 )
>                               );
>         debug($this->paginate('User'));
>         $this->autoRender=false;
>     }
> That should work.
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