Thanks for the quick response Brian!

When I add:

<?php echo $product['Color']['name']; ?>

I get error:

Notice (8): Undefined index:  Color [APP\views\products\index.ctp,
line 48]

Any suggestions?


On Apr 3, 6:56 pm, brian <> wrote:
> The SQL query is fetching You're looking in the Product
> array. The Color name will be in the Color array.
> <?php echo $product['Color']['name']; ?>
> When in doubt, do a debug($this->data) in your view.
> On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 9:48 PM, justclint <> wrote:
> > My app is working but a couple of my fields are not pulling the data I
> > want.
> > I have a table called products and another table called colors. My
> > colors table has 2 fields, id and name.
> > When adding the product, you select the color (from drop down menu)
> > and it will insert the color id into the color_id field of the
> > products table.
> > Once I add a product, instead of displaying the actual color it shows
> > the colors id. (ie: 2 instead of blue)
> > How do I get my page to pull the actual color name not the color id?
> > When launching the page it does the following query:
> > SELECT `Product`.`id`, `Product`.`name`, `Product`.`category_id`,
> > `Product`.`material_id`, `Product`.`color_id`, `Product`.`sport_id`,
> > `Product`.`price`, `Product`.`image_link`, `Product`.`buy_link`,
> > `Category`.`id`, `Category`.`name`, `Material`.`id`,
> > `Material`.`name`, `Color`.`id`, `Color`.`name`, `Sport`.`id`,
> > `Sport`.`name` FROM `products` AS `Product` LEFT JOIN `categories` AS
> > `Category` ON (`Product`.`category_id` = `Category`.`id`) LEFT JOIN
> > `materials` AS `Material` ON (`Product`.`material_id` =
> > `Material`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `colors` AS `Color` ON
> > (`Product`.`color_id` = `Color`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `sports` AS `Sport` ON
> > (`Product`.`sport_id` = `Sport`.`id`) WHERE 1 = 1 LIMIT 20
> > I think I need the following part of the query to be changed from:
> > `colors` AS `Color` ON (`Product`.`color_id` = `Color`.`id`)
> > to
> > `colors` AS `Color` ON (`Product`.`color_id` = `Color`.`name`)
> > My controller is just the default one after creating through the
> > console so Products->index looks like:
> >        function index() {
> >                $this->Product->recursive = 0;
> >                $this->set('products', $this->paginate());
> >        }
> > My Product model looks like:
> > var $belongsTo = array(
> >                        'Color' => array(
> >                        'className' => 'Color',
> >                        'foreignKey' => 'color_id',
> >                        'conditions' => '',
> >                        'fields' => '',
> >                        'order' => ''
> >                )
> > );
> > My Color model looks like this:
> >        var $hasMany = array(
> >                'Product' => array(
> >                        'className' => 'Product',
> >                        'foreignKey' => 'color_id',
> >                        'dependent' => false,
> >                        'conditions' => '',
> >                        'fields' => '',
> >                        'order' => '',
> >                        'limit' => '',
> >                        'offset' => '',
> >                        'exclusive' => '',
> >                        'finderQuery' => '',
> >                        'counterQuery' => ''
> >                )
> >        );
> > And Products->index view looks like this:
> > <tr<?php echo $class;?>>
> >                <td>
> >                        <?php echo $product['Product']['id']; ?>
> >                </td>
> >                <td>
> >                        <?php echo $product['Product']['name']; ?>
> >                </td>
> >                <td>
> >                        <?php echo $product['Product']['color_id']; ?>
> >                </td>
> > Your help is greatly appreciated.
> > Thanks!
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