In your controllers do you have something like:

function beforeFilter()
          $this->Auth->allowedActions = array('register', 'index');// allow
public access to these only
          $this->Auth->autoRedirect = true;


-----Original Message-----
From: trevorsg [] 
Sent: April-06-09 2:07 AM
To: CakePHP
Subject: Woes of ACL

Hey guys,

I've been trying to solve an issue with ACL for two days now, but I just
can't find any answers.

Basically I'm trying to set up an application to work with Auth and Acl. I
followed the tutorials in the Cookbook - I created the database tables, all
of the ACOs and AROs are created. Then, I ran a deny for a particular user
on the root node. But no matter what I do, every user has access to all
parts of the application.

I have started this app from scratch twice, and I get the same outcome each
time. I think there is something fundamental that I'm missing.
The AclComponent::check() method returns the proper boolean value for
ARO/ACO pairs that I pass to it, but still users are never denied access to
any parts of the site.

Hopefully someone here can give me a steer in the right direction. I am
happy to provide code or extra information if needed.

Thanks very much for any help!


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