Depending on your database, you may be able to use constraints on the
foreign keys of your database ("ON DELETE RESTRICT"), however that's a
responsive check rather than pro-active. In your situation, you may find
creating a behavior would be beneficial. The behavior would run the checks
on the beforeDelete callback and you can restrict it at that level instead
of a database.


On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 3:41 PM, qwanta <> wrote:

> In the case where If I have a one to many relationship like Authors-
> >Books and I would like to delete an author - but only if this author
> has no books - is there a buiilt-in way to check?
> I find that I run into this situation a lot (every time a table has a
> foreign key), and at the moment manually write a function in the model
> to check this. eg. for the Books model a method with the author_id as
> parameter that returns true if the author has books, false otherwise.
> But it seems like cakephp should be able to check this based on the
> model relationships, so is there something built-in I am missing?
> Thanks
> >

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