
So I'm not alone. Yea!  Do you have a good mode for javascript? php-
mode is great, every thing works fine. For years, I've been using c-
mode to edit javascript, and it doesn't handle json very well, or
lambda functions.  Do you have an alternative?

On Apr 15, 10:03 am, Franco Tampieri <>
> Emacs too! ;)
> Franco Tampieri Details:  - Linux User #286282 - FSF Member #5827
> GNU/Linux: Hardened / Embedded / H.A. Cluster / System Integrator
> Certification: ECDL / LPIC 1 - Acquiring Certification: Cisco CCNA / LPIC 2
> Sent from Bologna, Emilia Romagna, Italia
> 2009/4/15 jcorrea <>
> > VIM :)
> > On Apr 15, 6:21 am, Teh Treag <> wrote:
> > > I prefer emacs. Am I the only emacs user around here.
> > > On Feb 28, 3:14 pm, adam <> wrote:
> > > > I'm using Eclipse with PDT, but Dreamweaver for making layouts.
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