Okay, so I just couldn't leave this alone :)

I implemented the following, which works and even brings in the
'contain' info. However there is still a small problem...

// books_controller.php view()
$similar = $this->Book->similar_books($genre_id, $limit);

// model book.php
$similarBooks = $this->find('all', array(
  'recursive' => 1,
  'joins' => array(
      'table' => 'books_genres',
      'alias' => 'BooksGenre',
      'type' => 'inner',
      'conditions'=> array('BooksGenre.book_id = Book.id')
      'table' => 'genres',
      'alias' => 'Genre',
      'type' => 'inner',
      'conditions'=> array(
        'Genre.id = BooksGenre.genre_id',
        'Genre.id' => $genre_id
  'conditions'=> array('Genre.id' => $genre_id),
  'contain' => array(
    'Author'   => array('fields' => array('Author.id',
    'Language' => array('fields' =>  array('Language.id',
  'fields' => array('DISTINCT Book.id', 'Book.slug'),
  'limit'  => $limit,
  'order'  => 'RAND()',
return $similarBooks;

Although the above works when called from the books_controller.php, I
also wanted to call this from authors view() page.

// authors_controller.php view()
$similar = $this->Author->Book->similar_books($genre_id, $limit);

Everything works except it doesn't collect up the contain info for
'Author' or 'Language'.

Does anyone have any ideas where I might be going wrong?
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