I am trying to create a search function and paginate the results. For
all the standard fields, this is an easy task. I have one situation
that is causing me a ton of headaches and any help you can give is
most appreciated. Here is the setup:

- hasMany RegistrationCodes

-belongsTo Registration
-belongsTo Code
-this table has the fields registration_id and code_id

-hasMany RegistrationCodes

So most registrations have no more than 2 codes, the code it self is
stored in the codes table, and information about the codes is stored
in the registration codes table(ex: type of code, registration_id,
etc...). There are a lot of pirated codes so it makes sense to store
the code once and keep track of the info and linking in the
registration codes table.

I am searching over the standard fields in Registrations, name, email,
phone, etc... and the only field I'm searching for that is outside the
table is the code. Now I want to be able to enter a code in the search
bar and have the results lumped in with all the other results, but I
am having huge issues doing this. Since cake doesn't automatically
enter in the table from hasMany results I need to do some cake magic.
This doesn't work:

$conditions[] = array('Code.code LIKE' => $this->data['Registration']

 I have looked in to containbles but I'm not sure I understand this at
all. I also thought of trying to do stuff in the beforeFind method but
I can't find any good help on that. Would this help with pagination?
Is it possible to create temporary fields in the Registration table
and populate it with the codes? Then search over that?

Can someone point me in the right direction here, I am very lost and
need help. Any help is most appreciated.
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