I have 2 selecttag, one which allows me to select the projects and
then it will update the related subjects in the second selecttag.

I've been using this tutorial, 
but I'm having problem populating the second selecttag.

In my view, I have the following codes:

<?php echo $html->selectTag('Project/id',$projectNames, null, array
('onchange' => 'setSubjects()', 'id' => 'ProjectId', 'value' => '')); ?
                                <?php echo $html->selectTag('Subject/id', 
array(), null, array
('id' => 'SubjectId'));

                                $options = array('url' => 
'/radar_verbatims/ajax_calls', 'update'
=> 'SubjectId', 'frequency' => '0.2');

                                echo $ajax->observeField('ProjectId', 
$options); ?>

In my controller I have this function:

function ajax_calls()
                $this->layout = 'ajax';

                $project_id = $this->data['Project']['id'];
                $this->set('project', $project_id);

                $sql = "SELECT ProjectsSubjects.name
                                FROM projects_subjects AS ProjectsSubjects
                                WHERE ProjectsSubjects.project_id = 
                $q = mysql_query($sql);

                $subjectNames = array();

                while($row = mysql_fetch_array($q))
                        //$subjectNames[$row['name']] = $row['name'];
                        $subjectNames[] .= $row['name'];

                $this->set('subjectNames', $subjectNames);

and lastly I have another view, named ajax_calls.thtml which this code

<script type = "text/javascript">
        document.getElementById('test').innerHTML = <?php print var_dump
($subjectNames); ?>;

I'm quite confuse with this whole thing. As much as I found out, the
observe field will observe the ProjectId selecttag and once there are
changes made to the selecttag, it will trigger the function

I managed to set the array $subjectNames with all the data I require,
but it didn't update the SubjectId selecttag for some reason.

Glad if someone could point me out my mistake. The application is
using cake 1.1 if I'm not mistaken.


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