
We are basically desktop C/S database application developers and are
planning to
port one of our application (Delphi Firebird) to web. The basic
requirements are as follows

1> It should be Backend Database independent (i.e. should use one of
Firebird, MySQL,
     PostgrSQL, Oracle and MS-SQL server). Data stored on Web server
or a separate
    database server at altogether different location.

2> It can be either Browser based or RIA (Flex/AIR is shortlisted as
of today)

3> It should have Reporting facility which can print on Dot-matrix
printer (Fast DMP mode)
     as well as normal Windows Graphics Printing Mode (nice but Slow).
Similarly It should
     have page by page report preview Mode with search in report

4> Secured Access, Data Communication between Client and web server so
that no
     man in middle have chance to manipulate data.

5> Data export/Import to/from CSV, Text, dbf, xls, ods and XML.

There will be two parts in application one will be serving to RIA i.e.
supporting internal
staff engaged in data creation and other is for Client's customers.
The second part will a
wesite giving them status of customer's orders this may or may not be
a flex application
but plain Php/HTML can serve purpose ( This part may be developed by
some other
vendor in artistic web page designing area ) We are supposed to
develop the core
data-capturing and internal reporting application where mainly data
processing reports
will be required.

The story till date is as follows.
For last couple of weeks we are trying to formulate layout of
application, evaluating and
finalizing technologies to be used etc. etc. with clients
participation. HTML/PHP user
interface was denied by client since it wont give MDI kind of
interface so We evaluated
Flex and client has approved the interface, so that part is over. We
asked on Flex forum
about data access and we got two options Spring-Hibernate and PHP-
ADOdb as server
side. We evaluated PHP-ADOdb and within couple of days we got a Test
PHP script
giving XML list which can be consumed by Flex right from doing LAMP
apache-PHP configuration and learning PHP from scratch with no
previous experience
in developing and implementing any web application. On other hand
another team
having Java development experience is still struggling with
installation of those
technologies. To complete the evaluation of PHP route we enquired to
person who
suggested us PHP. He responded that the data access layer to be
wrapped in cakePHP
so we are here, but asof today we have not understood what he has
suggested, we would
like to know more about this. We also visited BAKERY section and the
"Aroma" is really
inviting. We could feel potential of cakePHP though we dont have any
experience in
web development. One of the baking "development of web site in about
200 hr" is
really fascinating.

Well now what we need is, help from this community, in laying out the
server side part
of application and suggestions on reporting/exporting part of the
application. Googling
about reporting indicated that BIRT can be integrated with PHP, if
there is any other
we will welcome it and evaluate it. Another part is security and
secured communication
between Client and serer so that data is not stolen or modified in
between. Suggest us
various options in cakePHP we will try to evaluate it. The guy who
"web site in 200 hrs" has admired this list so we are dared to give
such long mail
as our first post.

Thanks for reading such a long post and hope a very positive response
cakePHP gurus.

Best regards


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