Media view keeps throwing up a 404 because of the following code:

if (is_dir($path)) {
        $path = $path . $id;
} else {
        $path = APP . $path . $id;

if (!file_exists($path)) {
        header('Content-Type: text/html');

Here are my params, btw:

    [id] => test.jpg
    [name] => test.jpg
    [download] => 1
    [extension] => jpg
    [path] => files/test/

That path is under APP, not WWW_ROOT, as it should be.

What's happening is that is_dir() can take a relative path and so is
checking relative tp APP and returning true. However, file_exists()
must have an absolute path.

When I changed my code to:
'path' => APP.$result['ItemFile']['directory'].DS

Everything worked.

I didn't see anything on bugtrac. Shouldn't this problem be cropping
up for everybody that uses the recommended relative-to-app path?!?

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