Hello Beedge,

I think you will find this information here 
but what you must to create a new layout on app/view/layouts/
beedge.ctp setting the var "$content_for_layout" in the place where
you want to wrap the content rendered by the views. You still can set
$title_for_layout and $scripts_for_layout. After that you must to set
the attribute $layout on your controller or action like this:


class ProductsController extends AppController

  var $layout = "beedge";

  public function index()
    $events = array();

    # ...

  public function view()
        $this->layout = "another_by_beedge";

# app/controllers/products_controller.ctp

On Apr 21, 8:06 pm, Beedge <kbrads...@hbit.ie> wrote:
> Cool thanks,
> next question
> how do I go about editing the look of the page? where does the blue
> header and footer come from?
> again, I am working athttp://hbit.ie/cake/posts
> is there some way of setting up a template look and feel for a page?
> looking at the source code generated I can see a header and footer
> div.. how do I go about editing these?
> thanks,
> Kevin
> On Apr 21, 11:25 pm, BeroFX <ber...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Set debug = 0 in app/config/core.php
> > On Apr 22, 12:17 am, Beedge <kbrads...@hbit.ie> wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > I have recently decided to learn a framework, and from what Ive seen
> > > Cake is the way to go,, So I ve gotten my hands on 'Practical cakePHP
> > > projects'
> > > Im doing the first blogging tutorial, and my first attempt differs in
> > > appearance from the example in the book
> > > it looks like I am in a debuggin mode or something, because the SQL is
> > > being output. my example is at:
> > >http://hbit.ie/cake/posts
> > > is there a variable I should set to go to 'normal' mode?
> > > thanks all.
> > > Kevin
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