You can also avoid having to use a hidden field in this instance,
anyway, because the user_id can be added to $this->data before you
call save() in your action.

$this->data['SomeModel']['user_id'] =  $this->Session->read('');

if ($this->SomeModel->save())

On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 1:01 PM, brian <> wrote:
> Keep in mind that baking creates *very* generic views. They often will
> require tweaking. You can simply replace the select list with a hidden
> field:
> echo $form->hidden('SomeModel.user_id', array('value' =>
> $session->read(''));
> Or, instead of grabbing it from the session in the view, you could do
> this in your action:
> $this->set('user_id', $this->Session->read(''));
> echo $form->hidden('SomeModel.user_id', array('value' => $user_id));
> On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 7:06 PM, Teedaddy <> wrote:
>> Thanks for the response.
>> The main thing I am trying to do is make sure my index.ctp, view.ctp,
>> and add.ctp pages only return and show the data for the current logged
>> in
>> For instance, it is easy enough to work with related data to a
>> specific user after they are selected from the user view but if I want
>> to add new records to a related table, the Baked forms for add.ctp
>> show all the users in the users table in a pull down input field. I
>> deally this would be a hidden input of just the from the
>> view.ctp. I want to make sure any new rows added are automatically
>> assigned to the specific user, once they are logged in. This seems
>> like it should be simple, but everything I try does not work.
>> On Apr 23, 7:58 pm, brian <> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Teedaddy <> wrote:
>>> > hello friends, I am VERY new to all the cakePHP methods, so, any help
>>> > would be much appreciated.
>>> > I have built my database tables and have Baked all Models,
>>> > Controllers, and Views. Everything is working as expected with the
>>> > relations and interaction with the  db tables.
>>> > I am now trying to customize the view, add, and edit functions. The
>>> > main thing I need to do is make many of the views, specific
>>> > and can't for the life of me figure out the best way to do that.
>>> Define " specific". Do you mean that you need to save a user_id
>>> foreign key with your data? Are you saving the user to a session when
>>> logged in?
>>> > Here is a sample of code of what I am trying to do. I just want the
>>> > add form to grab the current for saving to the database.
>>> > function writer_add() {
>>> >                if (!empty($this->data)) {
>>> >                        $this->Writer->create();
>>> >                        if ($this->Writer->save($this->data)) {
>>> >                                $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Writer 
>>> > has been saved', true));
>>> >                                $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index'));
>>> >                        } else {
>>> >                                $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Writer 
>>> > could not be saved.
>>> > Please, try again.', true));
>>> >                        }
>>> >                }
>>> >                $users = $this->Writer->User->find('first', array('User' =>
>>> > ''));
>>> >                $this->set(compact('users'));
>>> >        }
>>> This makes no sense. If you want find a *specific* ('first') User,
>>> then you need to put '' on the left side and pass a $user_id on
>>> the right. Also, though it's not too big a deal, I guess your var
>>> should be $user, not $users.
>>> Anyway, if you save the User to the session when they log in, you
>>> won't need to do a find() here. Maybe you should explain what it is
>>> you're trying to do.
>> >>

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