
The FormHelper::error() needs second argument in same fashion as you used it
in Form::input() method's second argument's 'error' key. i.e., echo
$form->error('fieldName', array('rule1 => __('Message 1', true), 'rule2 =>
__('Message 2', true), ......), array('escape' => false));

Hope this helps



On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 11:55 AM, KoPanda <kopa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> i have to do add multiple rules to a from field. the website has i18n
> support so that the error message will be displayed in Chinese when
> the users view Chinese version of the website. The website is
> developed in big5 but not utf-8. I have to set the error message with
> "escape=>false" to make display correctly in Chinese. The can't be
> done either in the model or $form->input(). I instead call
> $form->error('Insurance.tel', __('error message', true),
> 'escape'=>false);
> this works when the field has only one rule. What if the field has
> multiple validation rules? Like for "Insurance.tel", I set the rules
> like this.
> 'tel' => array(
>        'length' => array('rule' => array('between', 8, 8)),
>        'required' => true,
>        'rule' => 'numeric'
> )
> the error message only appears when the tel field is not numeric but
> not appear when the length is not equal to 8 characters. Is there a
> way that I can do this with $form->error()?
> Thanks!
> >

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