Ah, okay I understand what you mean now.  It looks like you're doing
this in the model; am I correct on that?  It should probably be set as
a custom validation for the particular field(s) you are concerned
about.  Since you didn't paste all of your code (you don't need to)
I'll just hope that's what you're doing. :)  If not, you can find that
information in the cookbook: 

If you're not already, you may also want to use the Security

On Apr 29, 10:11 pm, "Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com"
<d...@widepixels.com> wrote:
> No no...not giving them the ability to edit the form...install Firebug and
> anyone can edit a form...I am trying to prevent them from editing the form.
> I can see the form and use firebug to see the vales in the form
> checkboxes...value = 1 =3 = so on..... I can change the values with Firebug
> to 599 799 899 or what ever ...so what I am doing is verify that if someone
> is being cleaver and changes the values to something that it could not
> possably be then it will not save anything and the logged in users account
> is supspended because the ony way the form would not save is if someone was
> messing with it and submited bad data.(the form is only checkboxes)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brendon Kozlowski [mailto:brendon...@hotmail.com]
> Sent: April-29-09 11:15 PM
> To: CakePHP
> Subject: Re: Compare Array - GOT IT!
> I don't believe this is necessary in the first place.  Why are you giving
> someone the ability to edit the form that shouldn't be?  That's the first
> issue I see.  Secondly, why are you passing values to be saved if you don't
> want them overwritten?  That's the 2nd issue.
> Thirdly, why are you even rendering them as form elements rather than simple
> text within a paragraph tag instead?  That'd be the third issue I see.
> Although you are accomplishing what you want to do, I don't believe you
> should be trying to do it in the first place as a more elegant (albeit
> possibly more difficult to grasp?) solution is available.
> On Apr 29, 4:52 pm, "Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com"
> <d...@widepixels.com> wrote:
> > I figured it out.
> > //list of possible keys
> >                                  $keys =
> > $this->User->$model_name->find('list', array('fields' => 'id', 'order'
> > => 'id ASC'));
> >                                  debug($keys);
> >                                 $submitted =
> > $this->data[$model_name][$model_name];
> > debug($this->data[$model_name][$model_name]);
> >                                 $results = array_diff($submitted,
> > $keys);
> >                                 debug($results);
> > So if a "evil" user tries to change the value in a form and submits,
> > the value is checked against possible values in the databsae....if not
> > found we know someone was doing something they should not have been doing.
> > I am using this for a form that only has checkboxes so it works for me.
> > Any flaws?
> > Thanks,
> > Dave
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com [mailto:d...@widepixels.com]
> > Sent: April-29-09 6:14 PM
> > To: cake-php@googlegroups.com
> > Subject: re: Compare Array
> > I am trying to do the same type thing with comparing an array. I am
> > using this for a security set up so a user can not change values of a
> > form so I get the list of possible keys
> > //list of possible keys
> >      $keys = $this->User->$model_name->find('list', array('fields' =>
> > 'id', 'order' => 'id ASC'));
> >      debug($keys);
> > Array
> > (
> >     [1] => 1
> >     [2] => 2
> >     [3] => 3
> >     [4] => 4
> >     [5] => 5
> >     [6] => 6
> > )
> >     // values submitted by user
> >     $submitted =  $this->data[$model_name][$model_name];
> >     debug($this->data[$model_name][$model_name]);
> > Array
> > (
> >     [0] => 3
> >     [1] => 5
> >     [2] => 6
> >     [3] => 1
> > )
> >         //how to compare vales against submitted values?
> >     $results = array_udiff_assoc($keys, array($submitted));
> >     debug($results);
> > But i need to compare the keys with the submitted data and that where
> > i am stuck. I need to check that the submitted values have a match
> > with the possible values in the database.
> > Can someone point out my error or suggestions?
> > Thanks,
> > Dave- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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