I was playing with radio.-buttons today. (rarely used form element in
my work)

I think it is strage if this is a proper bug but radio buttons seem to
be missing seem of the magic of other elements. Am  doing something
staggeringly wrong here?

echo $form->input('spelling_important', array(
    'label'=>'this does nothing',
    'empty'=>'this does nothing either'

1. The naming (first argument to input) makes a lot of difference.
Calling the input "fieldname" I get no "label" for the whole group.
Calling it "Modename.fieldname" and "Fieldname" will apear in front of
the group in the resulting html.

2. The key "label" does nothing as far as I can see. Not even to
replace the above auto-label.

3. The key "options" is required. If I leave out type=>radio the same
tag will automagically pick up on the set variable of the same name as
the fieldname given. E.g. setting $houses and calling the input houses
will fill the select with options from the variable. Not so when  the
type is set to radio.

4. The key "empty" does nothing even though it can be very useful
since you can "uncheck" a radio button.

The first thing I found was just a bit strange but the rest of it is
really an inconsistency with the select input-type. Since they
generally can serve the same logical purpose I expect them to work the
same but they don't for some reason. Anyone know why?

(I haven't checked these things with checkboxes yet)
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