Hello Fabian,

Are you sure that you have a HABTM relationship or a belongsTo? In
your query there is a field 'user.verse_id', that is not needed. For a
habtm, there should be three tables in your db:
id, name, ...
id, name, ...
id, user_id, verse_id

the last one is the join table, that is required for habtm. A left
join is done by default when you do the following in the users
controller (assumed you set the HABTM-relationship in the user model):

$params['conditions'] = array('User.id' => 1);
$params['limit'] = 10;
$res = $this->User->find('all', $params)

$res will be filled with the user data where User.id = 1 and the the
verses belonging to that user, like:
    ['User'] => array(
        ['id'] => 1
        ['name'] => ...
    ['Verse'] => array(

In addition you could add the Containable Behaviour (http://
book.cakephp.org/view/474/Containable) to cut down the resulting data
to what you need (in case you have more than one relationship set up
in the Users model).

hope that helps,

On 28 Apr., 12:14, Fabian <fabian.pet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey,
> I'm so happy I've found this group. Maybe someone can help me with my
> problems here (I'm a beginner in Cakephp). Sorry for my bad english by
> the way.
> Ok I've got two Models in HABTM relation: verses and users. in my
> controller action i want to get some specific verses (for example: the
> first ten verses) and something like a left join to the users table,
> so i can see whether the logged in user is assigned to any of them.
> BUT i don't want to show any other users and I don't want to have only
> the verses the user is assigned to.
> This would mean, Someone reads some verses and beside some of them is
> a little note "you are assigned to these verses"....(maybe there is an
> even easier solution for this?)
> In MySQL this Query works perfectly:
> SELECT * FROM verses LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM users_verses WHERE
> user_id = 1) AS user ON verses.id = user.verse_id LIMIT 10
> the subquery only searches users_verses for user 1 and in left joining
> the verses table some of the ten verses will have the user assigned to
> it and some are simply nulled.
> how can I get the same effect with cakephp?
> THANK YOU so much for you help
> Fabian
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