Wait a sec. I just looked closer at your models (yes, I've only just
started my coffee, again). There are legitimate reasons for having
more than one model in $uses but you shouldn't need to have State in
there in this case.

var $uses = array('Store');
$states = $this->Store->State->find('list');

And if the code was within the Store *model* you'd do

$states = $this->State->find('list');

($this being the Store model)

On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 12:10 PM, brian <bally.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
> var $uses = array('Store', State');
> If you add a 2nd model you have to include both of them in $uses. If
> the variable is present, Cake will not bother figuring it out for you.
> Thus, Store is not found.
> Incidentally, I changed States to State. The model name should
> generally be singular.
> On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 12:01 PM, PCH <philip.hew...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm having problems with this solution.
>> I've got my child model - state.php
>> class State extends AppModel {
>>        var $name = 'State';
>>        var $hasMany = array('Store' => array('className' => 'Store',
>> 'foreignKey' => 'store_id'));
>> }
>> I've got my parent model - store.php
>> class Store extends AppModel {
>>        var $name = 'Store';
>>        var $validate = array('store' => array('rule' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY,
>> 'message' => 'Store name cannot be empty'));
>>        var $belongsTo = array('State' => array('className' => 'State',
>> 'foreignKey' => 'state_id'));
>> }
>> And I've got my parent controller - stores_controller.php
>> class StoresController extends AppController {
>>        var $name = 'Stores';
>>        var $uses = array('States');
>>        function index() {
>>                $this->set('stores', $this->Store->find('all'));
>>                $this->pageTitle = 'Stores';
>>        }
>>        function add() {
>>                $this->pageTitle = 'Add a new Store';
>>                if (!empty($this->data)) {
>>                        $this->Store->create();
>>                        if ($this->Store->save($this->data)) {
>>                                $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Store has 
>> been saved'));
>>                                $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
>>                        } else {
>>                                $this->Session->setFlash(__('Store not saved. 
>> Try again.', true));
>>                        }
>>                }
>>                $states = $this->State->find('list');
>>                $this->set(compact('states', $states));
>>        }
>>        function edit($id = null) {
>>        }
>>        function delete($id = null) {
>>        }
>> }
>> I get the following error when I invoke the index function
>> Notice (8): Undefined property: StoresController::$Store [APP
>> \controllers\stores_controller.php, line 7]
>> Fatal error: Call to a member function find() on a non-object in S:
>> \wwwserver\mypricebook\app\controllers\stores_controller.php on line
>> The line 7 code is:
>> $this->set('stores', $this->Store->find('all'));
>> Any ideas what I'm missing or doing wrong?
>> Thanks
>> Phil - super CakePHP noob
>> On May 2, 11:06 pm, brian <bally.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Try this:
>>> $allies = $this->Ally->find( 'all' );
>>> On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 10:31 PM, craig.kaminsky
>>> <craig.kamin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > Hi,
>>> > I'm a CakePHP noob who is converting a site from Fusebox/ColdFusion to
>>> > CakePHP (1.2.x). Without boring anyone with the domain details, I want
>>> > to output a list of 'allies' and their associated organizations
>>> > (belongs to an organization in the model). The problem I am running
>>> > into is that I cannot get CakePHP to recognize the relationship
>>> > between Allies and Organizations from a "third-party" controller (the
>>> > "HomeController").
>>> > Here's my setup:
>>> > MODEL:
>>> > FILENAME: ally.php
>>> > class Ally extends AppModel {
>>> >        var $name = 'Ally';
>>> >        //The Associations below have been created with all possible keys,
>>> > those that are not needed can be removed
>>> >        var $belongsTo = array(
>>> >                'Organization' => array(
>>> >                        'className' => 'Organization',
>>> >                        'dependent' => true,
>>> >                        'foreignKey' => 'organization_id'
>>> >                )
>>> >        );
>>> > }
>>> > FILENAME: organization.php
>>> > class Organization extends AppModel {
>>> >        var $name = 'Organization';
>>> >        var $displayName = 'name';
>>> >        //The Associations below have been created with all possible keys,
>>> > those that are not needed can be removed
>>> >        var $belongsTo = array(
>>> >                'OrganizationType' => array(
>>> >                        'className' => 'OrganizationType',
>>> >                        'foreignKey' => 'organization_type_id'
>>> >                )
>>> >        );
>>> >        var $hasMany =  array(
>>> >                'Ally' => array(
>>> >                        'className' => 'Ally',
>>> >                        'foreignKey' => 'organization_id'
>>> >                )
>>> >        );
>>> > }
>>> > FILENAME: home_controller.php
>>> > class HomeController extends AppController
>>> > {
>>> >        var $name = 'Home';
>>> >        var $uses = array( 'Allies');
>>> >        function index()
>>> >        {
>>> >                $allies = $this->Allies->find( 'all' );
>>> >                $this->set( 'allies', $allies );
>>> >        }
>>> > }
>>> > DB:
>>> > The tables (allies and organizations) are plural and both have a
>>> > primary key named 'id". The allies table has a column called
>>> > 'organization_id' to act as a foreign key (MySQL 5 DB).
>>> > SELECT `Allies`.`id`, `Allies`.`organization_id`, `Allies`.`sfa_href`,
>>> > `Allies`.`logo`, `Allies`.`overview`, `Allies`.`active` FROM `allies`
>>> > AS `Allies` WHERE 1 = 1
>>> > Why wouldn't this setup/configuration result in the allies select
>>> > trying to join the organizations table from the home controller?
>>> > It does work properly when I set it up from the Allies controller in
>>> > that I see both Ally data and Organization data. I'm just a little
>>> > stumped as to how to make this work from the HomeController.
>>> > Any help or guidance would be much appreciated.
>>> > Thanks!
>>> > Craig
>> >>

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