Thanks Paulos for your advice. I could certainly add some manual
checking before adding a child record. The question I am having in my
mind is that should duplicate check be done by the hasOne relationship
or is it possible. Am I missing anything here?


On May 5, 2:27 am, paulos nikolo <> wrote:
> Hi Robin.I am not an expert coz i am trying to build a similar app of yours
> so i ll tell you my opinion.As i saw your tables format i think you should
> set depentent=true in user model and the exslusive field in profile model
> true.The 1st one will delete the associated profile if the user has been
> deleted and the 2nd (i think) is what u search for.Alternatively , you can
> set the add profile link to invisible when a user has already a profile so
> that the rest CRUD functions can be shown.
> 2009/5/4 Robin <>
> > Hello, i'm new both to php and cake, so please excuse me if this is
> > another obvious noob question.
> > I was trying to understand how associations work by building up the
> > example in the manual section of, i was able to build it
> > up using bake with no much effort.
> > The thing is, i have a users table and a profiles table, they look
> > like this:
> > CREATE TABLE `profiles` (
> >  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
> >  `name` varchar(100) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
> >  `header_color` varchar(100) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
> >  `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
> >  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
> > ) ENGINE=MyISAM  DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
> > CREATE TABLE `users` (
> >  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
> >  `first_name` varchar(100) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
> >  `last_name` varchar(100) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
> >  `username` varchar(100) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
> >  `password` varchar(100) collate utf8_unicode_ci default NULL,
> >  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
> > ) ENGINE=MyISAM  DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
> > using bake i was able to create the models and to define the following
> > associations
> > User:
> >        var $hasOne= array('Profile' =>array('className' => 'Profile',
> >                                                'foreignKey' =>
> > 'user_id',
> >                                                'conditions' => '',
> >                                                'fields' => '',
> >                                                'order' => '',
> >                                                'dependent' => ''),);
> > Profile:
> >        var $belongsTo = array('User' =>array('className' => 'User',
> >                                                'foreignKey' =>
> > 'user_id',
> >                                                'conditions' => '',
> >                                                'fields' => '',
> >                                                'order' => '',
> >                                                'counterCache' =>
> > ''),);
> > Which seems good to me, but testing the application i was able to
> > create a second profile for one user.
> > I was guessing if thehasOneassociation should check that and return
> > an error, or I am missing something?
> > On the other hand, i builded the tables based on my own understanding
> > of the example, maybe they are wrong, and so the whole example.
> > I was thinking of adding an UNIQUE clause on the user_id so forcing
> > only one profile per user but doing that causes the application to
> > show an ugly error database message, which is correct and obviously i
> > can take care of it, but not seems to follow the elegant and simple
> > rules of the rest of the application.
> > Thanks in advance
> > Robin

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