nobody familar with this? *hope*

On 9 Mai, 09:16, deefens <> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> this is driving me nuts: when i use bindModel() to add a relationship
> on the fly to an certain model, it seems that cake ignores the table
> name specified in the attached model in var $useTable.
> Example:
> class ActivitiesHostess extends AppModel {
>    var $name = 'ActivitiesHostess';
>    var $useTable = 'v_activities_hostess';
>    var $belongsTo = array('Activity', 'Hostess');
> }
> this is my added relationship class, providing one girl per activity
> (don't mess, thats a harmless website smile.gif. so i attach this on
> the fly in the hostess controller:
> $url['activity']?$this->Hostess->bindModel(array('hasOne'=>array
> ('ActivitiesHostess' => array())), false):'';
> but then, after clearing the cache and reload the website cake says:
> >>> Error:  Database table activities_hostesses for model ActivitiesHostess 
> >>> was not found.
> but in the model i specified the table name as v_activities_hostess
> (it's a view). has anyone any explanation for this or a workaround to
> avoid cake aborting here? googled half the world, but didn't have any
> success...
> any hints are very appreciated
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