Try reversing it. debug:3 in the core and turn it off beforeRender if
you're NOT admin.

On May 17, 4:41 pm, JamesF <> wrote:
> hello all, i love cakephp's built in table that shows the sql queries
> that are running. my site is now live but i need a way to check under
> the hood without disrupting my users.
> here is what i put in the beforeRender function of my app_controller:
>  function beforeRender(){
>  if ($this->Auth->user('role') == 'admin'){
>  Configure::write('debug', 2);
>  } else {
>  //
>  }
> i have Configure::write('debug', 0) set in my core.php
> now this pulls up that sql table thing at the bottom of the screen but
> it is EMPTY. it says (default) 0 query took ms.
> anyone have a solution?
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