I have these models:
* Artist
* Artwork
* Category
with these associations:
* Artist hasMany Artworks
* Category hasMany Artworks
* Artwork belongsTo Artist, Artwork belongsTo Category

Now, given a Category, I need to paginate through the Artists that
have at least one Artwork that belongs to that Category.

I thought that I can create a HBTM association between Artist and
Category using Artwork as the join table.
It works well when I just need to catch all Categories of a given
Artist simply using
$artist = $this->Artist->find(
                'conditions' => array('Artist.slug' => $slug),
                'contain' => array('Category')

I found this tutorial (http://cakebaker.42dh.com/2007/10/17/pagination-
of-data-from-a-habtm-relationship/) about how to paginate a HBTM
relation and it works well except one thing.
My association isn't a real HBTM association because the Artist table
contains more than one record for each object on both sides. In fact
it is likely that an Artist has many Artworks in the same Category.
Using the method of the tutorial, in the result, each Artist is
repeated once for every Artwork it has in the given Category.

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