This will post you to the exact url you are at no matter how many
parameters you have.

echo $form->create('Modelname', array('url' => $this->here));

On May 19, 7:34 pm, Gabriel <> wrote:
> O creo que podria simplificarse mas usando:
> <?php echo 
> $form->create('Local',array('action'=>'agregar/'.$empresa['Empresa']['id']) 
> );?>
> Ya que en la accion del formulario no pones el parametro.
> Y olvide las comillas en el mensaje anterior, seria:
> <input type="hidden" name="*data[Empresa][id]*" value="<?php echo 
> $empresa['Empresa']['id']; ?>" />
> y
> this->redirect(array('action' => 'lista', *$this->data['Empresa']['id']*));
> Frannie escribió:
> > Hello. I want to thank you in advance for your time.
> > I am trying to make a form and the action that uses has a parameter,
> > but when I submit the form the parameter disappears....
> > *********this is my form:
> > <?php echo $form->create('Local',array('action'=>'agregar'));?>
> > <table>
> >    <tr>
> >            <th>Nombre</th>
> >            <td><?php echo $form->input('Local.nombre', array('label'=>'')); 
> > ?></
> > td>
> >    </tr>
> >    <tr>
> >            <th>Tipo</th>
> >            <td><?php echo $form->input('Local.tipo', array
> > ('label'=>'','type'=>'select')); ?></td>
> >    </tr>
> >    <tr>
> >            <th>Regi&oacute;n</th>
> >            <td><?php echo $form->input('region', 
> > array('label'=>'','options'=>
> > $regiones)); ?></td>
> >    </tr>
> >    <tr>
> >            <th>Comuna</th>
> >            <td><?php echo $form->input('Local.comuna_id', array
> > ('label'=>'','type'=>'select')); ?></td>
> >    </tr>
> >    <tr>
> >            <th>Direcci&oacute;n</th>
> >            <td><?php echo $form->input('Local.direccion', 
> > array('label'=>'')); ?
> >> </td>
> >    </tr>
> >    <tr>
> >            <th>Tel&eacute;fono</th>
> >            <td><?php echo $form->input('Local.telefono', 
> > array('label'=>'')); ?
> >> </td>
> >    </tr>
> >    <tr>
> >            <th>E-mail</th>
> >            <td><?php echo $form->input('', array('label'=>'')); 
> > ?></
> > td>
> >    </tr>
> >    <tr>
> >            <th>Patente</th>
> >            <td><?php echo $form->input('Local.patente', 
> > array('label'=>'')); ?
> >> </td>
> >    </tr>
> > </table>
> > <?php echo $form->end('Guardar');?>
> > ***********this is the action:
> > function agregar($empresa_id){
> >            $this->set('CSS','estilo');
> >            $this->set('empresas_list',$this->Nav->showEmpresas());
> >            $this->set('empresa',$this->Empresa->find('first', array
> > ('conditions' => array('' => $empresa_id))));
> >            $this->set('comunas', $this->Local->Comuna->find('list'));
> >            $this->set('regiones', 
> > $this->Local->Comuna->Region->find('list'));
> >            $this->set('tipos', $this->Local->Catalogo->find('list', array
> > ('conditions'=> array('Catalogo.grupo'=>'tipo_local'))));
> >            if (!empty($this->data)) {
> >                    if ($this->Local->save($this->data)) {
> >                            $this->Session->setFlash('Un nuevo local ha sido 
> > agregado al
> > sistema.');
> >                            $this->redirect(array('action' => 'lista', 
> > $empresa_id));
> >                    }
> >            }
> >    }
> > I load the view with an url like this: localhost/myroot/mycontroller/
> > agregar/1
> > then I fill the fields of the form and I submit, and then I lose my
> > parameter. Does anybody know why this could be?
> > I'm sorry, english is not my first language, if you have any questions
> > about my problem just tell me.
> > I really will appreciate your help.
> > Francisca.
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