
Has anyone else experienced this? I'm finally trying to add tests to
an existing cake app, and created a simple test case (:

class InviteTestCase extends CakeTestCase {
        var $fixtures = array('app.invite');
        function testEncodeDecode() {
                $this->Invite = ClassRegistry::init('Invite');

Running which I get error:

Error:  Database table sections for model Section was not found.

Which was really weird, since the model Invite is in no way associated
to Section (in fact it has no associations at all). I finally realized
that for some reason app_controller.php gets called by
ClassRegistry::init('Invite'). Anybody has any ideas why this happens
and how to avoid it? Or should i just stick to:

$this->Invite =& new Invite();

if i want to run isolated tests on a model?

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