
I'm trying to create an xml sitemap as described in the article
I have followed the instructions there and I can now access my xml
file in the browser at the address http://localhost/project/sitemap
My problem is that I want to access it at http://localhost/project/sitemap.xml
but when I type the .xml extension I get my default site layout and an
Error:  The requested address '/sitemap.xml' was not found on this

My controller looks like this
class SitemapsController extends AppController {

    var $components = array('RequestHandler');
    var $helpers = array('Time', 'Xml');
    var $name = 'Sitemaps';
    var $uses = array('NewsStory', 'Project');

    function index () {
        Configure::write ('debug', 0);
        $stories = $this->NewsStory->find('all', array('fields' =>
array('id', 'title', 'created')), null, -1);
        $projects = $this->Project->find('all', array('fields' => array
('id', 'title', 'created')), null, -1);

        $this->viewPath .= '/xml';
        $this->layoutPath = 'xml';

    function beforeFilter() {
                $this->Auth->allow('index', 'sitemap');

Also if I change my routes.php from
Router::connect('/sitemap', array('controller' => 'sitemaps', 'action'
=> 'index'));
Router::connect('/sitemap.xml', array('controller' => 'sitemaps',
'action' => 'index'));
I get a controller sitemapController not found error.

Any help on this is much appreciated.
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