FYI: i can't explain it but the issue was to have NO new lines after
the close php tag "?>"!!!!!!!!

On May 25, 7:39 am, trav <> wrote:
> bump...can anyone help me?
> even if you have db sessions working in can you just let me
> know?
> thanks
> trav.
> On May 24, 5:47 pm, trav <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I can't seem to get DB session to work in I have used DB
> > sessions many times before in the eariler versions.
> > This is what i've done:
> > 1. download version
> > 2. set db and salt and cake sessions to point to cake_sessions table
> > 3. verified table exists
> > 4. open site and make sure its all "green"
> > 5. created simple controller to test sessions
> > CODE:
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > <?php
> > class TestsController extends AppController {
> >         var $uses = array();
> >         var $components = array('Session');
> >         function index()
> >         {
> >                 Configure::write('debug',2);
> >                 $this->autoRender = false;
> >                 $this->Session->write('mykey','100');
> >                 pr($this->Session->read());
> >         }
> > }
> > ?>
> > 6. access tests page in browser and the session data is outputted to
> > screen, BUT no data has been saved to the DB table.
> > 7. i have tried to set session security level to low
> > WHAT HAVE I MISSED??  its doing my head in!!!
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