Problem appears to be this line in cake/libs/model/datasource/

                $null = ($value === null || (is_array($value) && 

Should be:

                $null = ($value == null || (is_array($value) && empty($value)));

I'm the value is being cast from a null to a string somewhere before
this code is being executed and the absolutely equal (===) is failing
because the datatype of a null string is different to the null its
being compared to.

Should I ticket this?

On May 28, 3:22 pm, "rich...@home" <> wrote:
> In the model:
> $this->find("first", array(
>         "conditions"=>array(
>                 ""=>""
>         )
> ))));
> Produces the following SQL where clause:
> WHERE `OrderDetail`.`id` = NULL
> That will never match any records (comparing anything directly with
> NULL always results in NULL, ie. comparing anything with an unknown
> will always produce an unknown answer)
> The correct syntax should be:
> WHERE `OrderDetail`.`id` IS NULL
> Shouldn't CakePHP use IS NULL when building the where clause for NULL
> values in comparisons?
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