I could still really use a hand on this problem if anyone can offer

On May 29, 4:49 am, "Arak Tai'Roth" <nielsen.dus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Anyone able to help with this?
> On May 28, 7:29 am, "Arak Tai'Roth" <nielsen.dus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > So I have a problem uploading a flash video using MeioUpload in
> > CakePHP. Here is my controller code for the add function:
> >                 function add()
> >                 {
> >                         if (!empty($this->data['Video']))
> >                         {
> >                                 $mrClean = new Sanitize();
> >                                 $id = $this->Session->read('buildId');
> >                                 $slug = $this->Session->read('buildSlug');
> >                                 $this->data['Video']['build_id'] = $id;
> >                                 if 
> > ($this->Video->save($this->data['Video']))
> >                                 {
> >                                         $this->Session->setFlash('New video 
> > for build ' . $slug . ' have
> > been added.');
> >                                         $this->redirect('/builds/view/' . 
> > $slug);
> >                                         $this->exit();
> >                                 }
> >                                 else
> >                                 {
> >                                         $this->Session->setFlash('New video 
> > for build ' . $slug . ' could
> > not be added.');
> >                                         $this->redirect('/builds/view/' . 
> > $slug);
> >                                         $this->exit();
> >                                 }
> >                         }
> >                 }
> > and the code for the Video model:
> >         class Video extends AppModel
> >         {
> >                 var $name = 'Video';
> >                 var $actsAs = array(
> >                         'MeioUpload' => array(
> >                                 'video' => array(
> >                                         'dir' => 'videos/builds/uploads',
> >                                         'create_directory' => false,
> >                                         'allowed_mime' => 
> > array('video/x-flv'),
> >                                         'allowed_ext' => array('.flv')
> >                                 )
> >                         )
> >                 );
> >         }
> > and the code for the add view:
> > echo $form->create('Video', array('action' => 'add', 'type' =>
> > 'file'));
> >         echo $form->label('Video.video', 'Video:');
> >         echo $form->input('Video.video', array('label' => false, 'type' =>
> > 'file'));
> >         echo $form->submit('background.png');
> > echo $form->end();
> > I've been through this now for the past 2 days and can't figure out
> > anything wrong with the code, yet the video will not get uploaded and
> > as such the database entry never gets created. I have no idea what the
> > problem is so I have no clue what to look for. Is anyone able to help
> > me with this?
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