If you want to use code like you had before, check the livequery
plugin. It reattached applicable events as new elements are added to
the DOM (ie. Your change event to a new select box)

On May 30, 2:47 pm, DigitalDude <e.blumsten...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hey,
> THX for the response. I already changed my approach to the problem and
> set up ID's for the elements and use .append to replace the options of
> the elements. This works just finde, i encode my results to JSON and
> jQuery rebuilds the list oft options for my selects the way it should.
> A question related to jQuery in general, are there any good sites or
> tutorials or what I would call a function-overview for such purposes?
> This would be great because it took a LOT of time to gather all
> required information to my topic before I could solve it.
> Regards
> On 30 Mai, 18:43, brian <bally.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > This is solely due to jQuery (in fact, probably the source of most
> > questions on its mailing list).
> > The problem is that you're completely replacing each of the selects,
> > rather than just the options. So, the event handlers you set up on the
> > selects are no longer once the selects have been replaced. See here:
> >http://docs.jquery.com/Frequently_Asked_Questions#Why_do_my_events_st...
> > Also, it doesn't appear that you have several sets of these 5 selects
> > on a page because you're setting the event handlers using the element
> > IDs (eg. '#BookingCountryId'). So, you might want to consider using an
> > element id, rather than a class (eg. '.ajax_shop_id'), for the target
> > to be updated.
> > Or, don't bother and let jQuery find it using the select element itself:
> > $('.ajax_page #BookingCountryId').change(function(){
> >         var self = this;
> >         var selected = $(this).val();
> >         ajax_loading_image('.ajax_loading_image');
> >         $.ajax({
> >                 type: "POST",
> >                 url: '/bookings/getLocations',
> >                 data: "ajax=true&id="+selected,
> >                 success: function(msg){
> >                         $(self).parent('div').html(msg);
> >                         ajax_remove_loading_image('.ajax_loading_image');
> >                 }
> >         });
> > });
> > However, I recommend that you simply replace the options rather than
> > the entire select element.
> > On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 9:06 AM, DigitalDude
> > <e.blumsten...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I'm trying to deal with jQuery in CakePHP and basically I want to do
> > > the following:
> > > I have 5 select-boxes in which the user should chose some values, and
> > > when a value changes the other selects should be updated with the
> > > corresponding data.
> > > I figured out how to update selects, that's not a big problem and it
> > > works fine. But when I chose a value from a select box that has been
> > > populated with jQuery, the change(function()) in my jQuery script does
> > > not register the changing of the value, even though the div-id's are
> > > set correct.
> > > The part of my js-script where the second selectbox should be checked
> > > for changed calues is not triggered, I tried many combinations of the
> > > element-id but it won't start any function in that part.
> > > Here's what I'm dealing with:
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > > Main-View:
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > > <?php echo $form->create('Booking',array('class'=>'ajax_page'));?>
> > >        <fieldset>
> > >                <legend>Ajax Test 1.2</legend>
> > >                <div class="ajax_loading_image"></div>
> > >                <?php
> > >                echo $form->input('country_id',array(
> > >                        'label'=>'Country',
> > >            'empty' => 'Choose country'
> > >                ));
> > >        echo $form->input('location_id',array(
> > >                        'label'=>'Location',
> > >                        'type' => 'select',
> > >            'empty' => 'Choose location',
> > >            'div'=>'input select ajax_location_id'
> > >        ));
> > >                echo $form->input('shop_id',array(
> > >                        'label'=>'Shop',
> > >                        'type' => 'select',
> > >            'empty' => 'Choose shop',
> > >                        'div'=>'input select ajax_shop_id'
> > >                ));
> > >        ?>
> > > <?php echo $form->end();?>
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > > The controller- part(s):
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > >    function getLocations() {
> > >        $country_id = $this->params['form']['id'];
> > >        $locations = array();
> > >        $this->layout = null;
> > >        if($country_id > 0) {
> > >            $locations = $this->Booking->Shop->Location->find('list',
> > > array(
> > >                'contain' => array('Country'),
> > >                'conditions' => array(
> > >                    'Location.country_id' => $country_id
> > >            )));
> > >        }
> > >        $this->set(compact('locations'));
> > >    }
> > >    function getActiveShops() {
> > >        $location_id = $this->params['form']['id'];
> > >        $shops = array();
> > >        $this->layout = null;
> > >        if($location_id > 0) {
> > >            $shops = $this->Booking->Shop->find('list', array(
> > >                'contain' => array('Location'),
> > >                'conditions' => array(
> > >                    'Shop.location_id' => $location_id
> > >            )));
> > >        }
> > >        $this->set(compact('shops'));
> > >    }
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > > The jQuery-script:
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > > $(document).ready(function() {
> > > $('.ajax_page #BookingCountryId').change(function(){
> > >        alert("Test!");
> > >    // selected value
> > >        var selected = $(this).val();
> > >        // set loading image
> > >        ajax_loading_image('.ajax_loading_image');
> > >        // ajax
> > >        $.ajax({
> > >                type: "POST",
> > >                url: '/bookings/getLocations',
> > >                data: "ajax=true&id="+selected,
> > >                success: function(msg){
> > >                        //console.log(msg);
> > >                        $('.ajax_location_id').html(msg);
> > >                        // remove loading image
> > >                        ajax_remove_loading_image('.ajax_loading_image');
> > >                }
> > >        });
> > > });
> > > $('.ajax_page #BookingLocationId').change(function(){
> > >        alert("Test!");
> > >    // selected value
> > >        var selected = $(this).val();
> > >        // set loading image
> > >        ajax_loading_image('.ajax_loading_image');
> > >        // ajax
> > >        $.ajax({
> > >                type: "POST",
> > >                url: '/bookings/getActiveShops',
> > >                data: "ajax=true&id="+selected,
> > >                success: function(msg){
> > >                        //console.log(msg);
> > >                        $('.ajax_shop_id').html(msg);
> > >                        // remove loading image
> > >                        ajax_remove_loading_image('.ajax_loading_image');
> > >                }
> > >        });
> > > });
> > > });
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > > The views of the controller action which should replace the "old"
> > > select-elements:
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > > (*** function getLocations() ***)
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > > <?php
> > > if(!empty($locations)) {
> > >        echo $form->input('Booking.location_id',array(
> > >                        'label'=>'Location',
> > >                        'type' => 'select',
> > >            'options' => $locations,
> > >            'empty' => 'Choose location',
> > >            'div' => false,
> > >            'name' => 'data[Booking][location_id]'
> > >        ));
> > > }
> > > ?>
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > > (*** function getLocations() ***)
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > > <?php
> > > if(!empty($shops)) {
> > >        echo $form->input('shop_id',array(
> > >                        'label'=>'Shop',
> > >                        'type' => 'select',
> > >            'options' => $shops,
> > >            'empty' => 'Choose shop',
> > >            'div' => false,
> > >            'name' => 'data[Booking][shop_id]'
> > >        ));
> > > }
> > > ?>
> > > The first part where I chose a country and populate the second select-
> > > box with the corresponding locations works fine and I get all the
> > > right results. But when I select a location it does NOT trigger the
> > > second function of the jQuery script and that gives me a headache!
> > > What is the magic mistake in my code or my thinking? Please help me,
> > > I'm stuck on this for days now and I can't figure out why this
> > > aaproach does not work correct :(

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