My one santims (Latvia) :)

You can do as you suggest yourself, but also move the HABTM
relationship away from the recipes.

Category -> HABTM -> Category : which makes it possible for one
subcategory to appear under more than one main category. And even more
subsubcategories under subcategories, if it ever should be necessary!

Category -> hasMany -> Recipe

Recipe -> belongsTo -> Category.

Thus you will have the following tables:



On Jun 1, 12:26 pm, Luke <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your answers. Actually, if I look at the first one, I do
> understand that the way I am doing it right now, I would have
> duplications in my db tables.
> maincategories and subcategories will be filled manually,
> recipes_subcategories and recipes will be filled through the "Add
> recipe" Form.
> F.e.
> maincategories (id, maincategory_name)
> 1 | Main Dish
> 2 | Appetizer
> 3 | BBQ
> subcategories (id, subcategory_name, maincategory_id)
> 1 | Beef | 1
> 2 | Beef | 3
> 3 | Pork |1
> 4 | Vegtarian | 2
> recipes_subcategories (id,recipe_id)
> 1 | 1 | 1
> 2 | 1 | 2
> recipes (id, Name)
> 1| Beef Chops
> I can't see how I could otherwise design the tables. 1 maincategory
> has many subcategories, 1 recipes can belong to many main/
> subcategories, but I am thinking that if i use the subcategory_id for
> the recipe, that this subcategory is already bind to a maincategory,
> so I wont have to add this into the recipes_subcategories.
> Does this makes sense?
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