Don't forget the length header either. (Too many sites still output
files of "unkown" size)

header('Content-Length: '.mb_strlen($my_image_blob));
header('Content-type: '.$my_image_contenttype);

Even though a file from a blob probably isn't going to be "big" by
today's standards, it is nice to let the browser know how much data is

On Jun 4, 3:34 am, brian <> wrote:
> You have to send the correct headers before echoing the data. Have a
> look at this recent article at the Bakery about doing something
> similar:
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 7:49 PM, Jon <> wrote:
> > Hi, I searched through the archives and didn't find a solution to this
> > problem I'm encountering so hopefully someone here will know what it
> > is.  I'm trying to get the contents (image) of a MySQL blob field and
> > output it.  However, it won't display properly.
> > I have modified my code so that it just echos the data that it
> > retrieves from the database:
> > function download($id = null) {
> >        Configure::write('debug', 0);
> >        if ($id != null) {
> >                $pic = $this->Schoolpicture->findById($id);
> >                echo $pic['Schoolpicture']['content'];
> >        }
> >        exit();
> > }
> > This produces the result shown here (for picture 6):
> >
> > I also have another test script that bypasses all the CakePHP
> > structure.  It just retrieves the data and outputs it:
> > <?php
> > error_reporting(E_ALL);
> > $my_table  = 'schoolpictures';
> > $my_server = '----';
> > $my_user   = '----';
> > $my_pwd    = '----';
> > $my_name   = '----';
> > $my_link   = mysql_connect($my_server, $my_user, $my_pwd)
> >  or exit('Could not connect (' . mysql_errno() . '): ' . mysql_error
> > ());
> > $my = mysql_select_db($my_name, $my_link)
> >  or exit('Could not select database (' . mysql_errno() . '): ' .
> > mysql_error());
> > $row = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT content FROM $my_table
> > where id=6"));
> > print $row['content'];
> > ?>
> > You'll see that the result (for the same image 6) found at the
> > following link looks quite different:
> > If you do a view source, the first link has some whitespace before the
> > data whereas this one does not.  Also, it looks like the data is
> > encoded differently.  If I add the proper header (Content-type: image/
> > gif), test.php will display my image properly.  I suspect that the
> > whitespace and/or the different encoding is the source of the problem,
> > but I have no idea what could be causing that.
> > Thanks for reading this long post and for any insight that you might
> > be able to provide on this issue!
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