Ah, i saw it often, but I nevert had to use that link.
Thansk for the fast reply!

This Googlegroup never let's me down! :D

Anyway, it works, I get the right array from the database now, but how
can I make a SQL-query on this relationship that let's me get all the
products by a certain user?
I prefer to have the call in the users_controller.

I tried something like this:
function getitemlistfor($id) {

$data = $this->User->Product->find('all', array('fields'=>'Product.*',

$this->set('data', $data);

I'm not sure on the conditions. I tried a lot, but nothing seems to do
the trick.

I need to get an array that get's the information of all products that
belong to user $id.


On 8 jun, 16:15, Martin Westin <martin.westin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> $hasAndBelongsToMany
> A User can have many Product(s) in hist "shopping cart" or something.
> A Product can be in (have) many User's carts.
> On Jun 8, 4:03 pm, Céryl <c.a.h.wilt...@student.tue.nl> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > Little question:
> > Say, i have two tables, USERS and PRODUCTS, for arguments sake.
> > Now, all the products in the PRODUCTS table are unique by some value,
> > say barcode, so it doesn't allow duplicates of the same product in the
> > table.
> > Now, a user can have several products associated with him. What is the
> > best way to do this? Eventually a user would be able to log in and get
> > an overview of his selected products, and add/remove products to his
> > personal list from all the products in the PRODUCT table.
> > A table that holds user_id in one column, and product_id in the other,
> > maybe? But that would grow to a very large redundant table like this:
> > user product
> > 1         3
> > 1         6
> > 2         3
> > 2         4
> > 2         5
> > Etc.
> > Any idea's?
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