Ahh, the recurring million dollar question:

Should you start with Joomla and add your custom stuff as a Joomla
component, or build everything from "scratch" with cake?

I've spent far too much time in the past agonizing over this.

My own conclusion was if you're not in the web development business,
and can live with what Joomla is, go with Joomla. It does what it was
built for well, and deployment is instant and cheap.

Anyone in the web development business, who is in it for the long
term, would be better off building their development infrastructure on
top of cake, then re-using that as a base to deliver different types
of web apps.

The real development money is (in my opinion) not in the blogs,
forums, articles, galleries, etc. as that stuff is already available
for free, with zillions of features, and has been super-tested on more
platforms than you can dream.

The meat and potatoes money in development, I believe, are companies
whose web apps are their main business, they depend on them for
revenues, and therefore it is worth it for them to constantly add new
features, as it helps them make money.

For that kind of target market, Joomla will not get you very far.

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