OK, so I have solved the undefined index problem - the view file was
wrong, it should have been "Tip.image" instead of just image. However,
I changed it to "Img.pic" so as not to clash with image.

I'm now getting the following error when trying to "add":

Notice (8): Array to string conversion [APP\controllers\components
\image.php, line 50]
Warning (2): strrpos() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given
[APP\controllers\components\image.php, line 145]

I've done some searching, and I understand that the error means an
array is being given as opposed to a string, but I didn't really come
across a fix? Has anybody got any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

On Jun 20, 6:19 pm, number9 <xpozit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to add the ability to upload files on an existing add
> method within a controller, but no matter which method I use to try
> and upload files I get an "undefined index" error on the name of the
> field within the view and I cannot understand why.
> I thought it may have been a problem with the components I was trying,
> but after stripping back to a simple bit of code found here 
> (http://www.davidgolding.net/cakephp/using-the-file-functions-in-cakephp.html)
> - I am still getting the error.
> Code looks like this:
> // Controller:
>                         if ($this->data['Tip']['image']) {
>                                 $file = new File($this->data['Tip']['image']);
>                                 $ext = $file->ext();
>                                 if ($ext != 'jpg' && $ext != 'jpeg' && $ext 
> != 'gif' && $ext !=
> 'png') {
>                                 $this->Session->setFlash('You may only upload 
> image files.');
>                                 $this->render();
>                                 } else {
>                                 $date = $this->data['Tip']['created'];
>                                 $filename = 
> $date['year'].'-'.$date['month'].'-'.$date['day'].'-
> post-image.'.$ext;
>                                 $data = $file->read();
>                                 $file->close();
>                                 $file = new 
> File(WWW_ROOT.'/img/'.$filename,true);
>                                 $file->write($data);
>                                 $file->close();
>                                 }
>                                 }
> // View file:
> <?php echo $form->create('Tip',array('type'=>'file')); ?>
>         <fieldset>
>                 <legend><?php __('Add Tip');?></legend>
>         <?php
>                 echo $form->input('comment_count');
>                 echo $form->input('name');
>                 echo $form->input('slug');
>                 echo $form->input('description');
>                 echo $form->input('image',array('type'=>'file'));
>                 echo $form->input('expires');
>                 echo $form->input('rating');
>                 echo $form->select('Tip.category_id', $cat_list, null, 
> array(),
> true);
>                 echo $form->input('site_id');
>                 echo $form->input('user_id');
>                 echo $form->input('Tag.name',array(
>                         'type' => 'text',
>                         'label' => __('Add Tags',true),
>                         'after' => __('Seperate each tag with a
> comma.  Eg: family, sports, icecream',true)
>                                                 ));
>     ?>
>         </fieldset>
> <?php echo $form->end('Submit');?>
> There is more in the controller file, but I thought I would include
> just the relevant information for the time being. Is it possible that
> something else in there is conflicting with the code? I tried also
> adding ['tmp_name'] but no joy...
> Any insight would be appreciated.
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