Thanks, Brian for all your input. I agree, the code was pretty difficult to understand. After spending tons of time staring at the code, I realized there was a simpler and more correct way to do it. I rewrote it and it's working for the most part now. I still have to work out a few kinks, though.

Jon Chin

brian wrote:
That's a bit difficult to follow. At what point are you calling
_processMerit()? And you have an empty block inside wizard()? Is that
on purpose?

You have a couple of instances with $this->Merit->save($this->data)
but I only see where you're reading data from the DB for Application.
hich model are you working with?

Sorry, I've never used the WizardComponent so this is a bit opaque to me.

On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 2:06 AM, Jon Chin<> wrote:
Here's the code.  I still can't get it to update rather than insert.
What am I doing wrong?

 function beforeFilter() {
   $this->Wizard->steps = array('profile', 'merit', 'finance',
'education', 'endorsement');

 function wizard($step = null) {
     if(isset($this->passedArgs['1']) ||
$this->Session->read('application_id')) //if application already
defined, load it
       //Ensure the user is authorized to edit the application
       {$this->Session->write('application_id', $this->passedArgs['1']);}
       $application =

       if($application['Application']['user_id'] ==
         $this->Session->setFlash('You do not have authorization to
view this.');

     else //if not entering with previously started application, start one
       //create application record

   function _processMerit() {
       case 'Continue':
         if($this->Merit->save($this->data)) {
           return true;
           $this->Session->setFlash('Sorry, the information you\'ve
entered is incorrect.');
           return false;
       case 'Back':
       case 'Save':
         if($this->Merit->save($this->data)) {
           $this->Session->setFlash('Your changes have been saved.');
           $this->Session->setFlash('Sorry, the information you\'ve
entered is incorrect.');
     return false;

Jon Chin

brian wrote:
On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 2:04 AM, Jon Chin<> wrote:

Thanks for the tip.  Sadly, I'm still having problems with it.  When I
add <?=$form->input('id');?> to the view, all it does is generate <input
type="hidden" name="data[Application][id]" value="" id="ApplicationId"
/> which doesn't change anything in my controller when I print the
contents of $this->data.  I also tried making the field called
application_id in the form, but it didn't have an effect either.

It's really stumping me.  Any idea what's going on?  Since my primary
key on Merit is application_id, should Cake already know that if I'm
trying to set $this->Merit->id?

The PK for Merit should be "id", not "application_id". That should be
a foreign key pointing to applications table.

If you post the code for the controller action we might be able to sort it out.

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