I actually added the percent to the db, but even though it works its not the
best solution as this is a search function so a user searches and the
results each get a percent inserted into the db....but that seems like a lot
of overhead for the db...constantly updating the percent field every time a
search is run and results found for each post.

My code is just this from a tutorial


$jobs = array();
          foreach ($this->Job->find('all', $params) as $row) {
              array_push($jobs, $row['Job']['id']);
              $job_id = $row['Job']['id'];

$program_matches = count(array_intersect($this->data['Program']['Program'],
Set::extract($q, 'Program.{n}.id')));
              $language_matches =
count(array_intersect($this->data['Language']['Language'], Set::extract($q,
              $matches = $program_matches + $language_matches;
              $searchCount = $searchProgramCount + $searchLanguageCount;

              $percent = ceil(($matches / $searchCount) * 100);
                                  $this->Job->id = $q['Job']['id'];
                          $this->Job->saveField('percent', $percent);

I would like to explore the idea of afterFind but that's new to me as I have
never used it yet.

Hw would I go about that?

-----Original Message-----
From: kdubya [mailto:kenwin...@winanstech.com] 
Sent: June-22-09 11:45 PM
To: CakePHP
Subject: Re: Makes no sense


Keep in mind that Paginate is like doing a $this->Model->find(). The options
setup in the $paginate variable in the controller are setting up the
arguments to a find-like SQL query on your database. Every time a new page
is requested (by the user clicking on the next page link) causes a new query
to be run on the database. So any post-processing you did on the results of
the query once will need to be done again.

You might try setting up a afterFind() function in your Model but you
haven't posted enough actual code here for me to tell if this might work.

You might consider storing the percent field in the Model (database).
Then Paginate will work.


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