I have a simple search form that I am attempting to add Ajax
autocomplete funtionality to:

The form consists of:

1. A dropdown selector that allows you to select a city ("NYC", "LA",
"BOS" for example)
2. A search box.

I have autocomplete working fine under the normal configuration, but
the problem is that the autocomplete results are not restricted to the
selected city.

I cannot figure out how to pass the Search term AND the city value to
the autocomplete function.

Here is the relevant code:

<?php echo $form->input('Restaurant.metro', array('options' => array
('SEA', 'NYC', 'LA'), 'label' => '')); ?>
<?php echo $ajax->autoComplete('Restaurant.name', '/restaurants/

function autoComplete() {
                $this->set('restaurants', $this->Restaurant->find('all', array(
                                        'conditions' => array(
                                                'Restaurant.name LIKE' => 
                                                //'Restaurant.metro LIKE' => 
<-- NEED TO GET data['Restaurant']['metro'] TO CONTROLLER AS WELL
                                        'fields' => array('name'),
                                        'limit' => 20
                $this->layout = 'ajax';

Any insight would be much appreciated

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