I have 3 groups and each has a different view for each page.
What's the easiest way to have different views for each group?
Example Profile will be different for each group, the layouts will not
change so much but the content displayed, is there an easy way rather than
in the controller 
if group -> render this 
elseif group = 
render this
just seems like a lot of junk if this has to be done for each action thru
the site
what about this render ($group_id . '_view_i _need);
and name the views 
and since each group has different views / elements how to run separate
queries based on the specific group. As an admin group member queries will
pull more data needed for their role how would you determin that?
Admin viewing Profile my need info from 10 tables
while normal member may only need info from Profile, Posts tables...
is here a way to query based on role?in the model create the function as
normal but if group = X run tis query else run this one?
Write the query 3 times for each group and run the appropriate one?
Thoughts, ideas, suggestions?

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