Hey Hols,

Can you please checked  printing that $photo array??
Please check that one. If that array is blank / or please check the
structure of that array then it gives the error.

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 6:22 PM, Hols Kay <hol...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Quite new to this - I'm doing this tutorial:
> http://www.sitepoint.com/article/photo-gallery-cakephp-flickr/ and I'm
> having issues on index.ctp. This is the troublesome code:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> <img id="mainimg" src="<?php echo $flickr->buildPhotoURL($thumbs
> ['photo'][0], 'medium')?>" title="<?php echo $thumbs['photo'][0]
> ['title']?>"  alt="<?php echo $thumbs['photo'][0]['title']?>" />
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> and this is the output I'm getting from it:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Notice (8): Undefined index: photo [APP\views\gallery\index.ctp, line
> 12] http://farm.static.flickr.com//_.jpg"; title="" alt="" />
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> buildPhotoURL() looks like this:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>        function buildPhotoURL ($photo, $size = "Medium") {
>                //receives an array (can use the individual photo data
> returned
>                //from an API call) and returns a URL (doesn't mean that the
>                //file size exists)
>                $sizes = array(
>                        "square" => "_s",
>                        "thumbnail" => "_t",
>                        "small" => "_m",
>                        "medium" => "",
>                        "large" => "_b",
>                        "original" => "_o"
>                );
>                $size = strtolower($size);
>                if (!array_key_exists($size, $sizes)) {
>                        $size = "medium";
>                }
>                if ($size == "original") {
>                        $url = "http://farm"; . $photo['farm'] . ".
> static.flickr.com/" .
> $photo['server'] . "/" . $photo['id'] . "_" . $photo
> ['originalsecret'] . "_o" . "." . $photo['originalformat'];
>                } else {
>                        $url = "http://farm"; . $photo['farm'] . ".
> static.flickr.com/" .
> $photo['server'] . "/" . $photo['id'] . "_" . $photo['secret'] . $sizes
> [$size] . ".jpg";
>                }
>                return $url;
>        }
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> I know the tutorial is quite out-of-date now, so something might have
> changed in either API that I don't know about it, or I could just be
> doing something wrong. Does anybody have any ideas, am I missing
> something obvious?
> Thanks!
> >

Thanks & Regards,
Co-founder (www.weboniselab.com)

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