Thanks for your response, however I don't think this solves the acl
part of it, e.g. i would like to archive the following setup;

main index page containing three elements, all with its own acl
->Login form
  ->If user is logged in show logout view (containing username +
link), otherwise display standard login form.
->Add form
  ->If user is logged in and allowed to add, show add form, otherwise
display 'not able to edit message'
->View post table
  ->Always display the last 10 posts.

Does this mean I have to include access managements from within the
templates or can I control this on the controller level?

Thanks in advanced,


On Jul 2, 6:30 pm, brian <> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 7:39 AM, Reinder<> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I seem to be struggeling with possibly something so obvious, i can't
> > find it in the tutorials or books. Hopefully someone here is able to
> > enlight me. I have made a good number of sites with PHP and just moved
> > to cakephp as a mvc framework. I completed the blog and auth/acl
> > tutorials. So far I like the speed of development, however I don't
> > seem to grasp how to properly create a page combining multiple views,
> > leaving the mvc framework (with auth in tact).
> > E.g. In the blog tutorial a simple blog is created based on a model
> > for post. This model has functions for view and add, in the blog
> > tutorial you either view posts or add a posts.
> > I would like to create a page that shows the last top 10 posts, AND an
> > add form to add posts when needed, as effectively as possible.
> > The way I ended up doing it is to change the index to display a form
> > for the add post, linking to add, and a seperate table viewing the
> > lasts posts. However I basically copied the code for the 'view.ctp'
> > and add.ctp', which means dublicate code. For this reason this does
> > not seem to be the proper way. Not only because I have dublicate code,
> > also because the add form is now visible to everyone while 'guests'
> > can't posts. (based on the ACL, guests should not be able to add
> > posts, only view them)
> > I would like to understand what best practice is to cover this in
> > cakePHP;
> > -> Create a page seperate from the models;
> > -> Create elements, in this case to show and add, that calls the
> > functions controller?
> > -> Use requestAction to call controller functions from within those
> > elements?
> > If someone whould have (a link to) an example that would be highly
> > appreciated.
> > Thanks in advanced for your response,
> > Reinder
> What I usually do for my forms is to put them in an element. So, for
> Post model, I'd have in views/posts/add.ctp a line with
> $this->element('posts/form'). And the file
> views/elements/posts/form.ctp includes all of the logic for creating
> the form, including whether to show an add or edit form, stuff for
> admins only, etc.
> switch ($this->params['action'])
> {
>         case 'edit':
>                 echo $form->create('Post', array('action' => 'edit'));
>                 echo $form->hidden('');
>                 echo $form->hidden('Post.user_id');
>         break;
>         case 'add':
>         default:
>                 echo $form->create('Post', array('action' => 'add'));
>                 echo $form->hidden('Post.user_id', array('value' => 
> $user_id));
> }
> This way, you can include the form in your add or edit views, as well
> as in your index view. Put a debug($this->params) in your view
> somewhere to get an idea how that's set up.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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