Sounds like a sanitation problem... Did you tell cake in any part of your
application to escape into html entities? It seems to be screwing up with
something and turning the "-" into the html entity -

2009/7/7 Ernesto <>

> hello.
> here's my function
> function addDate ($id) {
>        $this->data["order_id"] = $id;
>        $this->data["myDate"] = date("Y-m-d");
>        pr ($this->data);
>        $this->Order->save($this->data);
> }
> here's the pr output
> Array(
>        [order_id] = 1839
>        [myDate] = 2009-07-07
> )
> and here's a portion the resultant Cake's SQL log
> UPDATE `orders` SET `order_id` = 1839, `myDate` = '2009&#45;07&#45;07'
> WHERE `orders`.`order_id` = 1839
> please notice the "-" replaced by &#45;
> due to this replacement MySQL isn't saving my changes.
> i can't find where's the error.
> >

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