That was my assumption, but the lack of information and awkward
English confused the issue. So many people eager to help, but we're
not being taken up on the offer. ;)

On Jul 8, 1:30 am, GravyFace <> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 10:51 AM, David
> Coleman<> wrote:
> > Simonjpa:
> > Why don’t you use jQuery on the cakePHP app and call the asp modules that
> > you need.  You can put the ASP on a different port let’s say for fun
> > and call these modules from the php site.  You should be
> > able to configure the ASP modules to return a valid javascript array which
> > you can then jQuery back to the cake app as a POST array and voila! one
> > pre-fabricated-ready-to-ship-cake-php-and-asp-integrated-payment-portal.
> > This really isn’t as hard as everyone makes it out to be.  It’s just a web
> > server.  You are the programmer.  Tell the box to do what you want it to do.
> And after re-reading the original  (and sparse) question, it sounds
> like there's a merchant gateway for some bank and the API examples are
> written in ASP.  There's likely no ASP requirements at all -- more
> likely he needs to make calls the the merchant gateway API in PHP
> instead of ASP.
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