pr($variable) and debug($variable) are your friends...

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 5:19 PM, menashe morobuse<> wrote:
> my projects/view view has a line like this...
> <li><?php echo $html->link('Add Sequence','/sequences/add/'.$project
> ['Project']['id'],array('title'=>'Add Sequence')); ?></li>
> then my sequences/add view has this:
> echo $form->hidden('project_id',array('value' => $project_id));
> and my sequenceController controller has this...
>        function add($project_id) {
>                if (!empty($this->data)) {
>                        $project_id = $this->params['Project']['id'];
>                        $this->Sequence->create();
>                        if ($this->Sequence->save($this->data)) {
>                                $this->set('project_id',$project_id);
>                                $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Sequence has 
> been saved', true));
>                                $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index'));
>                        } else {
>                                $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Sequence 
> could not be saved.
> Please, try again.', true));
>                        }
>                }
>                $projects = $this->Sequence->Project->find('list');
>                $this->set(compact('projects'));
>        }
> what am i doing wrong...
> i want that when creating new sequences they will automatically be
> assigned the project id...
> thanks
> >

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