For Post & Comment, you should probably be using belongsTo & hasMany.
You're unlikely to have comments that can belong to more than one

Post hasMany Comment
Comment belongsTo Post (so, comments table should have a post_id column)

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 1:58 PM, Claudiu
Apetrei<> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a bit new to cakephp now working on a project and came across
> HTABM. Did a simple test with a Post model and a comments one.
> Everything works great my only problem is that it also returns for
> each comment the join table. Is this how it's supose to work ?
> Here is what I get :
> Array
> (
>    [0] => Array
>        (
>            [Post] => Array
>                (
>                    [id] => 1
>                    [name] => claudiu
>                    [type] => 1
>                )
>            [Comment] => Array
>                (
>                    [0] => Array
>                        (
>                            [id] => 1
>                            [subiect] => test1
>                            [comment] => ss
>                            [Join] => Array
>                                (
>                                    [id] => 1
>                                    [comment_id] => 1
>                                    [post_id] => 1
>                                )
>                        )
>                )
>        )
> Thank you,
> Claudiu
> >

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